Friday, May 18, 2012

It is all relevant isn't it?

While reading the other day,
 I came across an article that condemned a young mans apartment decor because he had framed photos  of semi nude women from a glossy magazine.
The photos showed a very tasteful display of five photos that were on a blank wall.
While the style of decor did not really appeal to me, I thought  
"what is wrong with that?"
He chose photos to frame, that while displaying partial nudity were not vulgar in any way!

So, what is acceptable?  Is a modern depiction vulgar while the Old Masters renditions selling for Gazillions of dollars are acceptable just because they are old and painted by a "Master?"
Was the young mans choice in art so bad?
He framed what he liked and what he could afford.
Many years ago, it was the Master of the house that displayed "His" preferences in art on his Manors walls.

So, what is art?
What constitutes a collection?
Who decides that it is good or bad?
Do we have to adhere to what is dictated as art, as opposed to what we like?

(The Blond Nude....Manet)

It is about time we opened our minds to the old adage
"Beauty is in they eye of the beholder"
It is about time we look at a young mans walls and appreciate that his five glossy photos lifted from a magazine were framed/matted and hung with care.
It is about time for us to realize that by not just taping them to his walls he was showing a lot of class and good taste.

It is time for us to come out of our glass houses and appreciate any young person that takes care while presenting any art form.
We may not like it, but we  (hopefully) will appreciate that this person cared enough to show he had good taste in his choice of display.

("Just the two of us" author or production company unknown)
~~Tomorrow all.


Anonymous said...

I agree totally! And if the image is pleasing to him, I don't even care if he frames it. It is his home and it is what he chooses to look at.

That he did spend the time & expense to mat & frame shows that it wasn't just something he slapped up there on a whim.

"If we all thought alike, there'd be a wicked crowd of people on Peak's Island."


Kathleen Sauerbrei said...

I agree Diane, I took great umbrage at the reporters attitude to his "Art!"
The actual comment made re the wall was "A beautifully decorated apartment in dire need of proper art."
How gauche. All of a sudden a reporter is an art critic and a designer .

Kat Shank said...

I've never really listened to other people's idea of what art is. I had someone who admitted they couldn't draw tell me that I shouldn't use a ruler for my buildings, and that I should paint with less details. I told him that when he actually controls my hand, he can tell me what is right and wrong. He was not impressed because he'd grown up around art and going to museums and 'knew art'. My response was that I do get paid for what I do so I must not suck. He backed off, but didn't say much to me after that.

I hang up what I like, and don't much care of other people do or say. I say that those magazine pictures are better art than a 'feces Jesus', but it really is all a very personal thing. I'm always amused at people suddenly becoming art critiques when they think someone is actually listening to what they say when they otherwise wouldn't care.

Anonymous said...

Whahaha!!! This reporter would fall over in a faint if he walked into my house!

I've got sketches for paintings I've done attached to the walls with masking tape!!! Hey, I like them! And my personal paintings (done by me) that I like the best are NOT by conventional thought "all that"....but I like them, a LOT, and I don't give a hoot what anyone else thinks.

It's "my space".....and it needs only to please me.


p.s....wish I could figure out how to post as "me", rather than as "Anonymous". =)

Kathleen Sauerbrei said...

@ Kat...."Growing up with art around you" does not make you any more knowledgeable about Art than riding in a car twice a day would make you a Mechanic. All it would do is make you lean more to what you know as opposed to the whole picture LOL
@Diane, I don't know about answering with your own name, are you a member of any Google stuff?
I know members are automatically recognized. Thanks for identifying yourself though, it is appreciated, as I rarely publish replies from unidentified people.
As for your own space, I agree. The aforementioned article was featuring the young mans apartment that was decorated wonderfully on a very slim budget. The reporters comments were totally unwarranted.