"Larches in the Rain on a Late Autumn day"
16" X 18"
16" X 18"
Acrylics & mixed media on canvas
I love Larches.
They are tough as nails, capable of almost bending in 1/2 during a wind storm,
straightening right up once the wind has passed.
straightening right up once the wind has passed.
Beautiful green, and Spruce like.
They have needles that turn gold in the Autumn and drop before the Winter sets in.
(Unlike Spruce and Pines.)
(Unlike Spruce and Pines.)
My children are fortunate enough to have a shelter-belt of Larches fronting their property.
Larches in Canada are also called" Tamarack"
Larches in Canada are also called" Tamarack"
'Tamarack' is from the Algonquin word 'akemantak' which means "wood used for snowshoes".
Historically, tamarack was widely used in wooden ships, for timbers, planking and to join ribs to deck timbers. Native Americans used the roots to bind seams of birch bark canoes, the wood for arrow shafts and the bark medicinally.
Historically, tamarack was widely used in wooden ships, for timbers, planking and to join ribs to deck timbers. Native Americans used the roots to bind seams of birch bark canoes, the wood for arrow shafts and the bark medicinally.
They have a "Special" feel and look.
They are quite unique in that they are
Most coniferous trees are evergreens, but some deciduous
trees are evergreens as well. Evergreen trees keep their leaves in all
seasons, lose them gradually as the weather cools
The needles on a Larch are never quite as stiff as on an Evergreen.
This painting is done on a base covered randomly with molding paste to denote trunks .
It is over painted and the trees emerge.
The photo below highlights the ridges of the paste after painting.
I hope you like this.
I kinda do!
I kinda do!
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