Saturday, May 26, 2012

How it happens

Quite a while back my friend (and fellow Artist) John Roof Posted a photo of himself leaning into a huge blank canvas.
I was taken by the despondency of the image.
I have felt this way so often when facing a new canvas.
"Will it turn out okay?"
"Have I decided on the right colours?"
And then I pick up my brush and begin.
The end result, (for me at least) has very little resemblance to what I had originally planned.
I do not follow plans very well.  I am more of a "Let it happen" kind of artist.The end result of what I paint is always better than I had formerly imagined
(To me at least)

This is the photo that inspired me....

This is what I painted

(If you click on the image it will enlarge,)

It is Acrylics on canvas
12" X 18"
Using a Clear painted Matte gel overlay of the figure of John.
I used Brushes/Pallette Knives
Matt gel/Molding paste.
For the overlay of John I line painted his image on a 1/8" thick
strip of gel
and cut it out.
Once the actual painting was dry, I affixed the gel to it.
It is transparent because we bare our soul and whole self to the world with every work we produce.
Every work of art we produce shines through us.

I tried to convey the lonesomeness all Artists feel when they begin to paint.
What all Artists feel when they reach "the ugly stage"
"Why did I start this, Am I totally crazy?"
The fear when we stop of
"Is it done
is that enough?"
 And somehow the Joy and sense of accomplishment when it is finished.

~~Later all....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

To the Skies and beyond.

I have always been fascinated by the sky.
I have loved following the Stars/Constellations in the night sky since I was a very young girl.
My grandfather taught me who was what in the night sky and how to always find the mythical
Gods represented by the stars. 
I still await the arrival of my friend Orion every Fall, and know that Spring is here when he disappears.
So naturally, in this day and age of Space travel I am a serious watcher of the NASA home page.
And, in particular the Hubble images that are so beautifully captured during its' travels

Now, because of my age, I have seen many things that were never available when I was a child.
Flash Gorden had a rocket and his space travels were pure fantasy.
Wonder Woman and her Space craft....Well, we hoped.
Isaac Assimov introduced us to prototypes of the now IPad/Phone type
Hand held communicators.
The original Star Trek series followed through with all this
Supposed technology.
And boys and girls  read comics and Science Fiction pulps with Stars in their eyes....
Nothing beat dreaming of the possibility of being
"The one."
Nothing beat wanting to be on the "Enterprise" with Kirk and his fellow travelers.

Acrylics and mixed media on canvas
16" X 20"
As is obvious, Space travel is no longer a little boys/girls dream.
Given the opportunity we all would have been Flash or Wonder Woman.
But who knew?

The photographs from the Hubble have fascinated me since they began to
The pictures are of pure fantasy and riotous colours.
And, most of all,  they are beautiful.
They inspire me.

"A galaxy in flux"
Acrylics and mixed media on canvas16" X 20"

I can only imagine what my grandsons will marvel at when they are in their 70s.
Actually I cannot think of whatever new under the Sun will appear.
But it is there, I know it is there.
It is their turn now.
To marvel at this wonderful universe that is opening up.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Getting There.

It is a cold and dreary day in Southern Alberta, Canada this morning.
 If I was on the lakeshore of my childhood, I would be standing just above the sand watching the breaker waves roll in.
Wondering what makes them do that.
I have many images through out my life that are locked in my mind.
And, every day there are new ones.

I wonder how many memories  one can accumulate, and how one can translate them into an Artwork?
Then I wonder how I will do it? 
Then wonder if it will be pleasing?

Looking back at that child, I wonder how my life has evolved as an artist.
I had no idea then, that the Childhood thoughts would some day translate into Art.
I didn't even know what a paint brush was then.

The many barren years before I was able to express who I am in Art were cold and dreary for the most part.
I had a child, and the Sun shone again.
Having a reason is the answer.
Having and recognizing joy is what makes it all worth it.
Having like-minded friends helped me so much.

I suppose we are never alone, but just walking the path to Happiness/Friendship and Love.
And when we reach our destination it is a bit of a shock.

Finding out who we are is not always possible when we are younger.
Coping with life until we do is a bit harder, but can be done.
Accepting our happiness in later years is much harder.
But the end result, once accepted is 

"Home at last"
Acrylics/Mixed media on canvas
12" X 18
The hieroglyphics (Kanji) are from parts of the Dhamapada