Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Winter Moonlight"


I think I have captured that wonderful electric blue/white that surrounds me, when I go for a walk in the moonlight on a very cold (Clear) winter night.
I have found in my life (so far) that nothing, absolutely nothing about nature reaches my soul more than these Winter night-time walks.
It is as if you are one with the universe.
Everything is quiet, and I am in awe at the spiritual beauty surrounding me.
And, if the Northern Lights are flashing, even better, but those lights could never be emulated with any semblance of recognition.
You might say that I have painted a "Feeling" as opposed to a scene.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I can do it! (if you help me)

Yep, I love chocolate, and I love cake!
(Dad seems to think differently though!)

The play structure "Safetied" so Marshall cannot get to the top.

I want to go higher

That mouse will be mine !

Who needs chairs?

I have it open, what now?

I can do it!

My Teddy and me!
(his birth gift from his big brother, and he will not sleep without it!)

My Littlest Grandson!
I have the joy of being a grandparent to two wonderful little boys.
One is six and in grade one, the other is 15 months.
The little guy is determined to do what he likes when he likes.
Now this is not a bad thing, but he likes things that most kids his age cannot be bothered with.
He likes computers, calculators, phones, and most things that have buttons that give you a display!
Not too long ago we got him a toddlers computer with a mouse so he would leave the "Real" computer alone.
Nope! Not good enough. He is aware that Daddys computer, and his big brothers DS are "Real" Computers that have real displays and real sounds, not the baby stuff. At a year and a half he knows the difference, and will not be side-tracked.
Looks like he will need his own Lap-top soon.
He knows which keys get a response when pushed, and how to bring up a picture!
When he plays outside, he can't be bothered with rocks, and stones, nope he wants to explore the world, and walk.
He wants to climb and climb he does.
Right up to the top of the Play structure and on the platform on top!
With a big grin he totters up high with the "I am the King of the World" look!
And our hearts are stopping just thinking about the consequences of him getting up there all by himself.
Well, we blocked off the ladder, and he was fit-to-be-tied!
Major temper tantrum then.
He figured out how to remove the boards blocking the ladder, so Lattice work went up at the entrance atop.
And he knew that climbing was useless, 'cause he could not get in.
His tenacity is wonderful, but he requires constant watching because he will not give up.
He is (already), a problem solver, and can and does figure a way around roadblocks that his parents implement to keep him out of trouble and danger.
I love his determination and when we walk around the driveway
(A long way for a very little boy)
his hand in mine gives me such joy!
His mother was like this as a little girl, and I am so very much enjoying my littlest grandson.
I am in total denial when I see him and he can do no wrong.
("Muggle" to her two bestest little men!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"The Rangers Cabin"

Another test in shading and depth perception.
This time with snow, this painting is not finished as of yet,
but I wanted to post it to show
that I have actually gotten better with my depth!
I have finished this painting and the image is of the final work now!
Snow is a hard thing to paint, as it is never white, and always has shadows.
The mountains in the background were painted in, and then covered with a wash of white to make them recede.
I think I have achieved
(for the most part)
What I set out to do!

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Shading is the answer"

Acrylic on Canvas
8" x 10"
I have often looked at paintings and wondered "How on Earth did He/She do that?"
Lately I have been following Landscapes and have been amazed at the way the ground is painted, how the trees/bushes are separated and individual while they could seem to be all one.
At least for me they were turning out that way.
Well, today, I finally figured it out!
Plain and simple shading.
In the ground in this painting I have Yellows/reds/greens and gray!
(And a whole lot of shading.)
The tree in the back is separated from the bush and that bush is separated from the one in the foreground by the stream and shading as well.
And again, a whole lot of colour!
Maybe I am learning.
There are some things I look at and love, but have no desire to paint!
There are others that I strive to learn.
I like painting, and I hope it shows.
'Cause, you really can teach "Old Dogs" New tricks!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

And we are six and in grade one!

Already for school
Shaughn speaking with his other grandmother
First day in grade one!

This year my grandson began classes in the "Real School"
Grade one in the main building. He has already been given the honour of having one of the shovels hanging on his BIGGER than everyone elses' coat hook.
I gather the shovels (three I think) are in grade one so the snow on the sidewalk can be removed (with the caretakers assistance of course) by volunteer grade oners!
He is an astute Little Man, and believes that if you follow the rules, you will do well.
(A trait instilled in him by his Mother & Father.)
He wants to be able to read better, is not crazy about Math, and still hates colouring!
He will try his best, as, again he knows hard work has its' rewards.
(Doing his "Chores" every night nets him a Quarter per chore which is paid every Saturday!)
His chore money is saved until he has enough to purchase something that he wants very much. He MUST earn all his money, and this weeks shopping trip netted him a Lego Star-Wars fighter with a unique four armed creature.
$23.00 in all, and he worked & saved every penny.
I think he is on the right track.
Mind you, he "Is" my grandson, and I see no faults in him, that is a job for his parents, not me.