Thursday, January 26, 2012

How I feel about art in general for the most part:
You either like it or you do not, how you feel about it is important, and While others might love it, you might see nothing appealing in it
Even if "Joe Blow" from the worlds most prestigious Gallery insists that a work is the Best (insert accolades here) of the century, that will not necessarily make it so in your mind.
The Art world is famous for  stupid prices.
Sadly, almost all the work that is heralded as "collectable" at outrageous prices is for the most part abstract and without reason.

Real people buy art because of how the colours appeal to them/to work with the design of a room, or because they like Sunflowers. Real people buy art because they like the size, the medium or because this specific work reminds them of something. Some people buy it because a particular work makes them smile/feel rested/has a personal message.

Real people buy/like Art for personal reasons.

I paint because I love to paint. I work in many different styles and can replicate a flower in wonderful detail and or produce a work that denoted chaff from harvest blowing in the wind in a complete abstract form.

Art is selective and personal. So whatever you like or don't like, no matter. If it pleases you, that is good.
I guess what I am trying to say here is, No matter whatever others say, be true to what you like. Don't be scared to say "I hate that!" or "Not bad, but I wouldn't hang that!"

Feel free to ask "how did you do that?" even if you are not particularly drawn to a work as opposed to how it was created.
Be selective, and remember that just because Van Gogh' works sell for a gazillion dollars now, years ago he really was a starving artist.
And, I have to admit that I do not like a lot  his art.

Friday, January 6, 2012

So I have been away for a while. Learning new things and methods.
I have changed my style somewhat and have to admit that my many months painting"traditional" type art has helped me understand where I am now.
Bear with me while I get back into the wonderful world of Blogging, and imparting my thoughts and feelings re my art (and art in general) here.
It is good to be home, hopefully you will welcome me back.

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Rachels Muse I"

Many of you that follow this blog are aware that I have a dear friend that is an accomplished photographer.
And, you then, are aware that I often use a lot of her photographs as inspiration for a painting.
Thanking someone that inspires you is a very hard thing to do.
A while back Rachel posted a photograph that she took of her son holding his Oboe.
I fell totally in love with this Photograph and decided to paint it.
(What on Earth was I thinking?)
So this painting is for Rachel, Just because.

I am known for my inability to paint the human form.
Yep, even hands.
But I got to it, and after weeks of working on this painting (Some of which I was quite ill and did nothing), I am finally at the stage where I can begin to refine Jacobs hands.
Scary to say the least.
I have to finish the area where the reed is, and will do that a wee bit later....Kind of like a gift to myself when I finish those talented wonderful hands that belong to Jacob.

Hope you like it so far.
The background is not finished yet, but will remain painted in a matte black.
Please let me know how you think I am doing here, and anything as well that needs work.
Your eyes are important, as often while working on a painting such as this one cannot see the obvious flaws.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting it right

"The Edge"
Acrylics on Canvas
12" X 12"

Every once in a while, as an artist, I wonder how did another artist get that effect.
Not havng had any formal training in art (and the application there-off), I read a lot of art books, go and see other artists works at gallery's and shops, and try when I get back home to achieve the shading/shadows/light effects in a realistic manner.
Most often this exercise results in a lost painting underneath the blobs/and strokes that were to mean something.
So, I paint over it and away I go again.
Yesterday I painted this little Jewel.
Yep the lighting and shadows and depth happened as I painted, and it all made sense.
I finally did it without agonizing about the method.
Maybe one has to learn things, and just wait for the right time to implement them!
Enjoy this painting, I like the mysteriousness of it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Real Women VI"

The Sun, the Moon and the Earth join Forces
Acrylics and mixed media
on canvas
12" X 14"

Well, we have the Olympics being hosted in British Columbia this week. All of Canada is showing their Maple Leafs on their sleeves. (Yes, and our Hearts as well)
Enjoy them and appreciate the enormous amount of work these athletes put into training for these events.
Who wins is not important to me, as just being there as a participant means you are not only the best in your country, the world thinks you are the best of the best! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010


"Frost on Larches"
Acrylics on Canvas
12" X 14"

Gosh I have not done one of these for a long time.
Hope you like it.
It is based on the photograph I posted below when the Hoar Frost claimed our world!
Hope you like it!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Real women V" (series continued)

12" X 14"
Acrylics & Mixed media on canvas
She stands tall, she is proud, and she is a successful Business Woman!
She also walks with the assistance of a cane.
She faces up to her life, and makes it work.
There is nothing that she cannot overcome.
I like her stance.
Hope you do as well.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My World This Morning....

Hi all, hope you are having a fabulous day.
Being 65 years old, and having the luxury to enjoy so much is a real blessing.
As most of you already know, I am an artist.
Well, I am (at best) trying to become an artist :)
I have connected so very much with the constant changes Nature offers me every day.
Crossfield, Alberta, Canada is not far from the edges of the Great Canadian Rocky Mountain range.
So we tend to have weather anomalies all the time.
In the Winter we have just splendid Hoar Frosts, and this Winter, the Frosts have been spectacular.
Here are some photos I took this morning of the sunrise.
I am looking West to the Larches that line the frontage of the property.
So the Sunrise in all its' glory rises on these trees, and the end result is breathtaking.
Enjoy all....

Just before the sunrisePeeking over the horizon turning the Western sky a lovely Pink

(More "Real Women" after this interlude!)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Real women IV "Grandmother Moon"

"Grandmother Moon"
12" X 12"
Acrylics & Mixed media on canvas

This painting embodies Gold and Copper foil (Representing Life energy) falling from the moon and embracing all women.
The seemingly awkward pose of the woman signifies the females desire to "Soak" up and embrace the moons importance into her life.
I began this painting with a specific idea in mind. I have been aware for many years that the Moon and Women have been closely connected since the beginning of time.
Almost every culture has a story passed down through centuries about the connection of these two.
When I had completed this painting, and posted it @ "Wet Canvas" for comments & critique from my fellow Acrylic artists, Bell Byrne recognized what I was trying to say and sent me an oft told story from her (North American) Native culture.
Her story connected so well with my painting that I am posting it here as a description.
So much of what we do in daily life is based on folklore.
I have gifted this painting to one of the best friends a gal can have....
Sharon Glover, a remote area nurse in the Northernmost settlement in Canada...Inuvik!
She, is a Native Canadian Nurse (extraordinaire) in this remote settlement.
We have planned to get together in April this year and catch up with each other and just be near for a while.
I miss you Sharon!

I hope you like it!

Grandmother Moon
(As told by Bell Byrne)
In a time before humans walked the earth and the spirits roamed the skies there was the daughter of the Creator. She loved the spirit that held the power of to create fire and wanted to mate with him. The Creator did not want the daughter to be near fire and asked her to leave the love she had for the spirit on a star and forget him.

The daughter disobeyed the Creator and secretly wed the fire spirit. The Creator was heartbroken that she had disobeyed and knew that nothing good would come from this union. The Creator had made her the spirit of water and the beginner of life.
Fire could bring water to a boil and at the same time, water could douse the flames of fire. There would never be any balance in the union.

To help, the Creator gave his daughter two babies to birth. Two sons to balance the femaleness and one to each carry the spirit of their parent. One son was to be the father of all humans and the other son was to be the father of all animals.

The twins fought constantly in their mother's womb. The brother who was to father all animals was impatient and wanted to be born soon. The brother who was to father all humans was patient and wanted to wait for his birth so he would know what his humans had to do to come to life.

One day, close to the day they were to be born, the anxious brother could wait no longer and pushed to get out of the womb. His brother was blocking the way out so he pushed against the side of his mother. His brother sensing that his mother was in grave danger, pushed his way out through the birth canal in the hopes his brother would follow. His brother didn't notice that he now had a clear path out the birth canal - he continued to push against his mother's side.

Finally, he pushed so hard he split his mother in two. As she lay dying, her father and husband held each part of her. Her husband's last gift to his wife was to make her burn bright as a star and her father - who was grief stricken could only mold her into a cold, dead ball. When all life left her, the father and husband took each part of her and placed her in the sky. Her fire part shone brightly and cast light on the earth and the desolate ball her father had placed beside the earth. Her husband called it the Sun.

The Creator grief was appeased when he saw how brightly the ball shone, he called it Moon.

Both the father and husband were angry with the twin that killed his mother. He was banished and made walk among neither the humans or the spirits. Because he has supposed to be the father of the animals, he tried to make one. It came out a mixture of all the ugly animals. It had a duck's beak, an otter's webbed feet, the fur of a squirrel and did not birth live children but laid eggs like a bird or lizard. It lived in neither the water nor the land but in both. We still see that animal today. The platypus.

The other son went on to father the humans and he lived a good and happy life with his wife and children. He was given a gift by the humans of an animal helper, the rabbit. In turn he gave the rabbit a special place in the universe as it would gladly sacrifice itself to keep the humans alive, it's meat was sweet, it's fur kept them warm.

The mother looks down on her sons from the sky. During the day, her moon half is always there and at night her sun half is reflected in the face of her moon half. She is there always.

This was told to me as a child by my grandmother in the winter times when stories were told. We'd only tell stories until the sap started to run in the Spruce trees and the geese came back. Then it was time to stop the stories and start hunting and building the salmon weirs.
