Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gotta love Moonlight and snow!

"Manitoba Moonlight"
10" X 10"
Acrylics on Canvas

Seems like my Winter series are very popular.
People just love them and they offer a glimpse of the Magic of winter
without having to be cold!
This little beauty (again) is based on
my Manitoba winter nights and walking my faithful dog Ben in the late evening.
Hope you like it!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wheels that turn are amazing things!

My Grandson when he discovered that the wheels on his McDonalds Hot wheel car
still spun around after zooming it on the table.
He had never seen anything like it before and was totally
mesmerized by them spinning.
What joy little Men bring to our lives!
Especially him.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Sky Ice Water #1"

"Sky Ice Water #1"
Acrylics on canvas
8" X 16"
Kuujjauk, NWT

Still on my Winter series.
The sky and water seem to be one, while separated by ice flows
in the Arctic.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finished and signed.

Detail of the Ballerina;

"Moonlight Becomes Her"
Acrylics on canvas
11" X 14"

Finally I have finished "Moonlight Becomes Her"
My experiment with metal leaf paper has proven to be a great success.
What was/is not a success is the abilityto photograph this work in a manner that truly shows the real beauty of it.
The Silver/Copper Leaf just shines whilst taking any photograph even without a flash!
In actuality the silver lines in the water are hair thin, but look so cumberson in the photograph!
"Well, (She says) I suppose this is one work that will be appreciated fully by those that can and will look upon it in person."
You will notice that the horizon is not flat. I opted to do this as it seems like this can be an "Other Worldly" painting, and one wonders if we are looking at the moon from Earth, and or looking at the Earth from somewhere else.
The way the Moon glimmers is more indicative of how the highlights show.
I hope you like it!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Moonlight Becomes Her!"

"Moonlight Becomes Her!"
Acrylics on canvas
10" X 14"
I am working on a new painting.
Something very different for me.
The works of Howard Cowdrick
(His blog is listed on the right)
have inspired me re this, and eventually, this will become a
multi/media work.
I am excited, as I am venturing into a completely different area with painting this time.
Watch for up-dates on this one!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Winter Moonlight"


I think I have captured that wonderful electric blue/white that surrounds me, when I go for a walk in the moonlight on a very cold (Clear) winter night.
I have found in my life (so far) that nothing, absolutely nothing about nature reaches my soul more than these Winter night-time walks.
It is as if you are one with the universe.
Everything is quiet, and I am in awe at the spiritual beauty surrounding me.
And, if the Northern Lights are flashing, even better, but those lights could never be emulated with any semblance of recognition.
You might say that I have painted a "Feeling" as opposed to a scene.